Karina Chow

Karina Chow

Applying Psychology

2 stories

Illustration of a top hat in front of a swirl labeled “Make a choice”
My character sitting alone, looking out at a sunset over a snowy mountain landscape
Karina Chow

Karina Chow

Screw the Rules

5 stories

A chalk “drawing”, a funnel of typewriter letters from the left feed into a solar eclipse and feed out into a movie film reel
A colorful art deco illustration of many famous landmarks in the world, like the Empire State Building, the Fernseherturm, and Eiffel Tower
A photograph of a woman kneeling in a uniform, gripping another person’s wrist
Karina Chow

Karina Chow

Tech Recruiting

4 stories

An illustration of two people looking at a computer screen full of code together
“YOU ARE NOT THE CANDIDATE” written in large, bold font on a blue background
3 illustrations of a candidate interviewing via phone screen, online challenge, and take-home assessment.
Karina Chow

Karina Chow

Tech Learnings & Advice

12 stories

An image of Ernie from Sesame Street wearing a tech hoodie and holding up a rubber duck
Web Accessibility for Newbies picture
Karina Chow

Karina Chow

Mental Health

3 stories

Silhouette of a human head split into white and black
An illustration of a person, lying down looking upset in a therapist’s office.
A watercolor painting made by the author depicting a joker-esque red and a depressed blue stemming from a purple, central portrait.
Karina Chow

Karina Chow

Web Accessibility

4 stories

Illustration of a person trying to convince discerning coworkers that accessibility is important
Web Accessibility for Newbies picture
A cover image that says “The Developer’s Guide to Web Accessibility Auditing and Tooling” in the same style as the 25th anniversary cover for “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy” book cover.
Karina Chow

Karina Chow

🇨🇳 🇩🇪 Creative technologist based in Brooklyn and SF. Writes about technology × design × art × psychology. Previous eng @Patreon, @Honor, @Microsoft